Status Morley’s Final Catalogue: Not listed. The Nepticulids were not extensively studied and only 21 were listed.
Recent Status: This scarce species in the UK was first recorded in Suffolk as the larval mine during 2020.
Life Style: A double brooded species flying in mid-summer and early autumn. The larvae mine leaves of Filipendula vulgaris and Filipendula ulmaria. They pupate on the ground. The pupal stage passes the winter.
Identification: The moth is a small Stigmella species with brown, sometimes purple tinged forewings and a white fascia. The head is dull brown and the scape paler. The moth can be identified by breeding out from a mine or by genitalia dissection. The egg is laid on the top side of a leaf usually near a vein. The bright amber yellow larvae create a mildly contorted gallery with a central broken frass line. The gallery and frass line gradually widen.  | Determination by Genitalia Examination Required | |
 | Mine: Either the leaf or a good photograph required | |
Recorded in 1 (2%) of 58 10k Squares. First Recorded in 2020. Last Recorded in 2020. Additional Stats |