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Coleophora currucipennella
Wood Pistol Case-bearer Zeller, 1839
534 / 37.054

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Similar Species
Birch Pistol Case-bearer
Coleophora betulella
Wingspan: 13-16mm
Flight: June, July
Foodplant:   Hazel, Hornbeam and Oak
Nat Status: pRDB3
Verification Grade:  Adult: 4  Case: C2
Morley’s Final Catalogue: Also local on the same trees (oak and sallow). Observed with us at only Aldeburgh in 1892 (Crutwell).

Recent Status: A rare species in Suffolk and the UK with one record from Morley. It is evident that there is confusion at Morley’s time over the identification of the larval stage of the species in the C. albidella group and this record is therefore suspect.

Life Style: A single brooded species flying during June and July. The larvae feed on Quercus, Carpinus and Salix species. Following hibernation they will skeletonise Quercus leaves and eat out large holes from the leaves of other foodplants. They pupate on a leaf or twig.

Identification: There are seven members of the albidella group of Coleophora of which six are very similar and difficult to identify. C. anatipennella, C. albidella, C. kuehnella, C. ibipennella, C. betulella and C. currucipennella all have white forewings, thorax and head and a prominent white scale tuft on the antennal scape. There are minor differences in wing colour. The genitalia are all very similar and they all, except for C. kuehnella, have similar pistol shaped cases. However they have different foodplants. The larvae, having initially mined a leaf, become grazers of leaves from their mobile case.
C. currucipennella is the easiest of the group to identify from the adult moth which is extensively shaded ochre on the veins particularly towards the apex.

Determination by Genitalia Examination Required

Case: A good quality photo or specimen of the case and plant/pabulum is required.

Recorded in 2 (3%) of 58 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1892.
Last Recorded in 2021.
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Latest 10 Records
Further info: Coleophora currucipennella
British Leafminers
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