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Red Underwing
Catocala nupta (Linnaeus, 1767)
Erebidae: Erebinae
2452 / 72.078
Photo © Antony Wren,  Lowestoft, Suffolk

Similar Suffolk Species: None
Forewing: 33-40mm.
Flight: One generation Aug-Oct.
Foodplant:   Black-poplar, White-poplar, Aspen, willows other poplars.
Red List: Least Concern (LC)
GB Status: Common
Verification Grade:  Adult: 1

Morley's Final Catalogue: A grand insect that is luckily still common everywhere, since its first discovery in 'Suffolk' before 1830 (Stephens iii, 133). It is very keen upon assimilating the mottled-grey of its upperwings to the environment, and hence fond of sitting on stone-church-walls, e.g. at Fressingfield, Cransford and Nettlestead in 1920; another, flying in Hintlesham chyd on 14 August 1921, was snapped up by a sparrow. Sometimes it flies thus in bright sunshine, as in Orford town on 25 September 1929; but is usually taken on sugar, whereay it abounds about Bentley, Ipswich, Hemley, Martlesham, Henham, Oulton, Fritton, Gorleston, &c. Larvae occurred at Monks Soham on 17 June 1912. Mr. Platten took a splendid form, brunnescens of Warren (Entom. liv, 162) with quite dark hind wings, near Needham Market in 1905 (now reposing in Harwood's collection at Sudbury).

Recent Suffolk status: Fairly common and widespread in parts of the County, but a bit of a decline appears to be taking place in some areas.

Life history: Single-brooded in one long extended generation.

Identification: A greyer moth than the Crimson Underwings.

Habitat: Woodland, wet woodland, parks, gardens.

Recorded in 53 (91%) of 58 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1905.
Last Recorded in 2023.

Latest 5 Records
Date#VC10k Area
09/10/2023125TM48 - Beccles/Brampton
09/10/2023125TM59 - Lowestoft
06/10/2023125TM25 - Wickham Market/Otley
06/10/2023125TM37 - Halesworth
01/10/2023125TM07 - Thelnetham/Redgrave
Further info: Catocala nupta
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