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Scarce Silver Y
Syngrapha interrogationis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Noctuidae: Plusiinae
2447 / 73.021
Photo © Paul Bryant,  Bawdsey Hall, 24.7.14

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Similar Species
Ni Moth
Trichoplusia ni
Silver Y
Autographa gamma
Forewing: 15-18mm.
Flight: One generation June-Aug.
Foodplant:   Heather, Billberry and Bog Bilbery.
Red List: Least Concern (LC)
GB Status: Common / Immigrant
Former Status: Local (Immigrant)
Verification Grade:  Adult: 3
Morley's Final Catalogue: Not listed. The first county record was sometime between 1979-1998 in the King's Forest (R. Eley).

Recent Suffolk Status: Scarce immigrant, probably from Scandinavia. Most records are from late summer. There was a big arrival of this species to Suffolk in 2006, when it was seen at 6 sites, including inland locations. There have only been 2 records since then.

Life history: Single-brooded.

Identification: The similar Ni moth is more marbled with brown and paler. Silver Y is normally larger, paler grey and the Y mark thinner rather than being a v and a blotch like in Scarce silver Y.

Habitat: Mainly seen near the coast, occasionally inland. A moorland species in its native range in the UK.

Retained Specimen / Photograph will be Required.

Recorded in 8 (14%) of 58 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1979.
Last Recorded in 2014.
Additional Stats

Latest 10 Records
14/08/2006125TM34Hollesley/Rendlesham Forest
06/08/2006125TM23Felixstowe/Landguard Point
2006226TL86Bury St Edmunds
01/01/1979 to 31/12/1998+26TL87Barnham/West Stow
Further info: Syngrapha interrogationis
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