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Dewick's Plusia
Macdunnoughia confusa (Stephens, 1850)
Noctuidae: Plusiinae
2436 / 73.010
Photo © Trevor Goodfellow,  27/07/2021 - Green Farm, Thurston

Similar Suffolk Species
Golden Twin-spot
Chrysodeixis chalcites
Gold Spangle
Autographa bractea
Forewing: 12-17mm.
Flight: May, July-Oct
Foodplant:   Common Nettle other plants.
Red List: Least Concern (LC)
GB Status: Not Assessed / Immigrant
Former Status: Immigrant/Resident
Verification Grade:  Adult: 2

Morley's Final Catalogue: Not listed. The first UK record was in 1951.

Recent Suffolk Status: Immigrant and new fairly common resident. The first county record was in 1997, at Landguard, Felixstowe (N. Odin). It remained a scarce migrant species to Suffolk until 2018, when there was an explosion of records right across the county. Numbers have continued to increase since then. Breeding was proven beyond doubt in 2021 with the discovery of a larva at Purdis Farm, Ipswich (N. Sherman).

Life history: Probably triple-brooded in Suffolk. Comes regularly to light in small numbers, also seen at flowers at dusk, found at rest in the daytime and also comes to the Ni moth pheromone. Larvae have been found on Lavender in Suffolk.

Identification: Forms of Golden twin-spot with merged spots could be confused but are golden in colour, not bronze like Dewick's plusia. Gold spangle is larger and the mark on the wing is triangular.

Habitat: Coastal sites, field margins, gardens.

Recorded in 35 (60%) of 58 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1997.
Last Recorded in 2023.

Latest 5 Records
Date#VC10k Area
17/10/2023126TM03 - East Bergholt
10/10/2023+26TM05 - Stowmarket/Needham Market
09/10/2023+25TM07 - Thelnetham/Redgrave
07/10/2023226TL78 - Brandon/Lakenheath
05/10/2023125TM58 - Carlton Colville/Kessingland
Further info: Macdunnoughia confusa
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