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Bulrush Wainscot
Nonagria typhae (Thunberg, 1784)
Noctuidae: Xyleninae
2369 / 73.136
Photo © Anthony Speca,  06/09/2024 - Bungay

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Similar Species
Large Wainscot
Rhizedra lutosa
Webb's Wainscot
Globia sparganii
Forewing: 20-24mm.
Flight: One generation July-Sept.
Foodplant:   Bulrush and Lesser Bulrush.
Red List: Least Concern (LC)
GB Status: Common
Verification Grade:  Adult: 2
Morley's Final Catalogue: Somewhat common throughout the county; larvae in reed-stems. Ipswich, at light in 1894 (Pyett); and a few at Hemley (Wlr). Tyrer seems to have found it commonly about Eye (cf. Ent. Wk. Intell. vi, 1859, 159 & 184). Bred freely in 1931 from Beccles reed-beds, to north of river (Mr, D).

Recent Suffolk Status: Locally common on the coast, in the fens on the edge of the Brecks and the Waveney valley plus scattered colonies along river valleys.

Life history: Single-brooded. Feeding signs can be found at the base of Reedmace plants, which when spilt open may reveal larvae and pupae. The pupae point head downwards, unlike Webb's wainscot which point upwards.

Identification: Large wainscot has a more pointed forewing and lacks the dark marks along the wing edge. Webb's wainscot is smaller and has a row of black spots along the edge of the forewing.

Habitat: Reedbeds, marshes, ditches, pond edges, river valleys.

Recorded in 43 (74%) of 58 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1894.
Last Recorded in 2024.
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Further info: Nonagria typhae
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