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Crescent Striped
Apamea oblonga (Haworth, 1809)
Noctuidae: Xyleninae
2325 / 73.161
Photo © Raymond A Watson,  Hollesley 8 July 22

Similar Suffolk Species
White Colon
Sideridis turbida
Dark Arches
Apamea monoglypha
Forewing: 18-21mm.
Flight: One generation June-Aug.
Foodplant:   Grasses.
Red List: Least Concern (LC)
GB Status: Nationally Scarce
Former Status: Nationally Scarce B
Verification Grade:  Adult: 2

Morley's Final Catalogue: Submaritime, in salt-marshes: a score or more on the Suffolk coast in 1858 (Bree, Ent. Wk. Int. v, 30). Brantham, Bentley, Foxhall heath; Hemley on sugared thistles (Wlr); not uncommon at Felixstow in 1901-3, and at Orford (Gibbs); Glemham Magna (Bloomfield); Aldeburgh (Hele 188 and Wratislaw, Suff. Inst. iv, 1870, 220); Southwold, var. with light stigmata (Ctw); Lowestoft, Beccles; Gorleston (Mr). Walberswick, August 1937 (Btn).

Recent Suffolk Status: Very local on the coast. One record well inland at Lakenheath in 2000 (J. Clifton). Both the plain form and the more well-marked f. abjecta have been found in the county.

Life history: Single-brooded.

Identification: Dark arches is larger, lacks the white outlined kidney mark and is rougher scaled. White colon is also more rough scaled, not silky like Crescent striped.

Habitat: Mainly saltmarshes but also grazing marshes, fens.

Recorded in 9 (16%) of 58 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1901.
Last Recorded in 2023.

Latest 5 Records
Date#VC10k Area
08/08/2023225TM44 - Orford Ness
28/07/2023625TM44 - Orford Ness
16/07/2023125TM23 - Felixstowe/Landguard Point
27/07/2022125TM44 - Orford Ness
26/07/2022125TM34 - Hollesley/Rendlesham Forest
Further info: Apamea oblonga
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