Status Morley's Final Catalogue: Scarce, though males come copiously to light in one or two densely-timbered districts. Bentley, Ipswich; Lowestoft, Beccles; Bury and Tuddenham (ante 1890). Ipswich at light in 1895-8 (Baylis, Pyett, Platten); Bungay on 31 October 1900 (Mn); Waldringfield in 1923 (T. N. Waller); Bury in 1931 (Mr); Sotterley in 1935 (Btn); numerous in mid-November 1933 at Sibton (Trans. ii, 291).
Recent Suffolk Status: Common. Some evidence of a slight increase in recent years, turning up at well-recorded sites for the first time.
Life history: Single-brooded. Larvae have been found in late spring in woodland habitat feeding on various trees. They characteristically throw their heads back when disturbed which why they have that vernacular name.
Identification: Unmistakeable.
Habitat: Mainly woodland and some gardens.Recorded in 42 (72%) of 58 10k Squares. First Recorded in 1895. Last Recorded in 2024. Additional Stats |