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July Belle
Scotopteryx luridata (Fabricius, 1775)
Geometridae: Larentiinae
1734 / 70.041

Similar Suffolk Species
Lead Belle
Scotopteryx mucronata
Forewing: 15-19mm.
Flight: One generation. July-Aug.
Foodplant:   Gorse, Petty Whin, Dyer's Greenwood.
Red List: Least Concern (LC)
GB Status: Common
Verification Grade:  Adult: 3

Morley's Final Catalogue: Distinctly local and never common, as in Hants, &c. Noted since 1890 at only Copdock in 1898 (Hkg); rarely in Bentley woods (Mly); several on Martlesham Heath in 1903 (Wlr); Aldeburgh (Ctw); and Lowestoft (Bloomfield).

Recent Suffolk Status: Seemingly very rare in the county now with the last record in 2011.

Life history: Single-brooded. Can be disturbed from the habitat during the day as well as coming to light.

Identification: The extremely similar Lead belle is not present in the county.

Habitat: Heathland and scrub areas with Gorse.

Retained Specimen / Photograph will be Required.

Recorded in 16 (28%) of 58 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1890.
Last Recorded in 2011.

Latest 5 Records
Date#VC10k Area
07/07/2011125TM46 - Minsmere/Leiston
03/07/2010125TM46 - Minsmere/Leiston
2006+25TM36 - Peasenhall/Saxmundham
06/07/2005225TM46 - Minsmere/Leiston
01/08/2004+25TM57 - Southwold
Further info: Scotopteryx luridata
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