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Flying Tonight Suffolk Moths - The macro and micro moths of Suffolk.

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Most recorded of all time


Nationally Scarce
Nationally Rare

Data from records +/- four days today.

1. Large Yellow Underwing
Noctua pronuba
53985 records
2. Setaceous Hebrew Character
Xestia c-nigrum
50140 records
3. Common Wainscot
Mythimna pallens
31228 records
4. Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Noctua janthe
31013 records
5. Vine's Rustic
Hoplodrina ambigua
28050 records
6. Shuttle-shaped Dart
Agrotis puta
26651 records
7. Flounced Rustic
Luperina testacea
26610 records
8. Straw Underwing
Thalpophila matura
21846 records
9. Flame Shoulder
Ochropleura plecta
19849 records
10. Turnip Moth
Agrotis segetum
18629 records
11. Square-spot Rustic
Xestia xanthographa
15944 records
12. Silver Y
Autographa gamma
14913 records
13. Brimstone Moth
Opisthograptis luteolata
11432 records
14. White-line Dart
Euxoa tritici
11215 records
15. Dingy Footman
Eilema griseola
11130 records
16. White-point
Mythimna albipuncta
10632 records
17. Willow Beauty
Peribatodes rhomboidaria
10509 records
18. Scarce Footman
Eilema complana
10484 records
19. Common Rustic agg.
Mesapamea secalis agg.
9626 records
20. Riband Wave
Idaea aversata
8818 records
21. Straw Dot
Rivula sericealis
6770 records
22. Cloaked Minor
Mesoligia furuncula
6558 records
23. Cabbage Moth
Mamestra brassicae
6121 records
24. Lime-speck Pug
Eupithecia centaureata
5720 records
25. Light Emerald
Campaea margaritaria
5507 records
26. Dark Arches
Apamea monoglypha
5450 records
27. Least Carpet
Idaea rusticata
5364 records
28. Orange Swift
Triodia sylvina
5221 records
29. Black Arches
Lymantria monacha
5172 records
30. Nutmeg
Anarta trifolii
5042 records
31. Double-striped Pug
Gymnoscelis rufifasciata
4960 records
32. Lesser Yellow Underwing
Noctua comes
4600 records
33. Dun-bar
Cosmia trapezina
4174 records
34. Tree-lichen Beauty
Cryphia algae
4019 records
35. True Lover's Knot
Lycophotia porphyrea
3955 records
36. Smoky Wainscot
Mythimna impura
3914 records
37. Common Carpet
Epirrhoe alternata
3854 records
38. Coronet
Craniophora ligustri
3737 records
39. Snout
Hypena proboscidalis
3542 records
40. Ruby Tiger
Phragmatobia fuliginosa
3469 records
41. Green Carpet
Colostygia pectinataria
3462 records
42. Yellow Shell
Camptogramma bilineata
3404 records
43. Common Rustic
Mesapamea secalis
3401 records
44. Marbled Beauty
Bryophila domestica
3359 records
45. Spectacle
Abrostola tripartita
3307 records
46. Dusky Thorn
Ennomos fuscantaria
3266 records
47. Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Noctua fimbriata
3194 records
48. Copper Underwing
Amphipyra pyramidea
3035 records
49. Small Square-spot
Diarsia rubi
2911 records
50. Maiden's Blush
Cyclophora punctaria
2756 records
51. Common Footman
Eilema lurideola
2714 records
52. Lesser Swallow Prominent
Pheosia gnoma
2710 records
53. Latticed Heath
Chiasmia clathrata
2645 records
54. Uncertain
Hoplodrina octogenaria
2623 records
55. Garden Carpet
Xanthorhoe fluctuata
2516 records
56. Rosy Rustic
Hydraecia micacea
2462 records
57. Canary-shouldered Thorn
Ennomos alniaria
2447 records
58. Bright-line Brown-eye
Lacanobia oleracea
2260 records
59. Angle Shades
Phlogophora meticulosa
2256 records
60. Swallow Prominent
Pheosia tremula
2219 records
61. Southern Wainscot
Mythimna straminea
2172 records
62. Archer's Dart
Agrotis vestigialis
2154 records
63. Antler Moth
Cerapteryx graminis
2052 records
64. Single-dotted Wave
Idaea dimidiata
2021 records
65. Pale Mottled Willow
Caradrina clavipalpis
2007 records
66. Uncertain/Rustic agg.
Hoplodrina octogenaria/blanda
1996 records
67. Rustic
Hoplodrina blanda
1983 records
68. Iron Prominent
Notodonta dromedarius
1897 records
69. Tawny Speckled Pug
Eupithecia icterata
1809 records
70. Dark Sword-grass
Agrotis ipsilon
1788 records
71. Poplar Hawk-moth
Laothoe populi
1768 records
72. Chinese Character
Cilix glaucata
1754 records
73. Burnished Brass
Diachrysia chrysitis
1742 records
74. Six-striped Rustic
Xestia sexstrigata
1707 records
75. Yellow-tail
Euproctis similis
1700 records
76. Pebble Hook-tip
Drepana falcataria
1694 records
77. Scalloped Oak
Crocallis elinguaria
1687 records
78. Hedge Rustic
Tholera cespitis
1661 records
79. Sharp-angled Peacock
Macaria alternata
1645 records
80. Mouse Moth
Amphipyra tragopoginis
1632 records
81. Dusky Sallow
Eremobia ochroleuca
1610 records
82. Small Dusty Wave
Idaea seriata
1513 records
83. Oak Hook-tip
Watsonalla binaria
1501 records
84. Red Twin-spot Carpet
Xanthorhoe spadicearia
1475 records
85. Rosy Footman
Miltochrista miniata
1432 records
86. Dark / Grey Dagger
Acronicta tridens/psi
1364 records
87. Saltern Ear
Amphipoea fucosa
1355 records
88. Least Yellow Underwing
Noctua interjecta
1291 records
89. Yellow-barred Brindle
Acasis viretata
1167 records
90. Blood-vein
Timandra comae
1149 records
91. Dog's Tooth
Lacanobia suasa
1127 records
92. Buff Footman
Eilema depressa
1097 records
93. Treble-bar
Aplocera plagiata
1090 records
94. Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet
Xanthorhoe ferrugata
1075 records
95. Drinker
Euthrix potatoria
1068 records
96. Tawny-barred Angle
Macaria liturata
1059 records
97. Peacock Moth
Macaria notata
1013 records
98. Buff Ermine
Spilosoma lutea
994 records
99. Pale Prominent
Pterostoma palpina
970 records
100. Garden Tiger
Arctia caja
953 records
101. Ear Moth
Amphipoea oculea
938 records
102. Small Fan-footed Wave
Idaea biselata
923 records
103. Common Wave
Cabera exanthemata
921 records
104. Narrow-winged Pug
Eupithecia nanata
895 records
105. Knot Grass
Acronicta rumicis
881 records
106. Coxcomb Prominent
Ptilodon capucina
850 records
107. Pine Carpet
Pennithera firmata
846 records
108. Clay
Mythimna ferrago
779 records
109. Gypsy Moth
Lymantria dispar
761 records
110. Common White Wave
Cabera pusaria
732 records
111. Copper Underwing agg.
Amphipyra pyramidea/berbera
724 records
112. Clouded Border
Lomaspilis marginata
715 records
113. Pebble Prominent
Notodonta ziczac
715 records
114. Satin Wave
Idaea subsericeata
681 records
115. Fen Wainscot
Arenostola phragmitidis
673 records
116. Square-spotted Clay
Xestia stigmatica
666 records
117. Lychnis
Hadena bicruris
658 records
118. Purple Bar
Cosmorhoe ocellata
608 records
119. Heart and Dart
Agrotis exclamationis
604 records
120. Sallow Kitten
Furcula furcula
590 records
121. Ear Moth agg.
Amphipoea oculea agg.
568 records
122. Marbled Green
Bryopsis muralis
566 records
123. Small Wainscot
Denticucullus pygmina
563 records
124. Jersey Tiger
Euplagia quadripunctaria
562 records
125. Humming-bird Hawk-moth
Macroglossum stellatarum
557 records
126. Marbled Minor agg.
Oligia strigilis agg.
548 records
127. Magpie Moth
Abraxas grossulariata
547 records
128. Crescent
Helotropha leucostigma
545 records
129. Pine Hawk-moth
Sphinx pinastri
542 records
130. Small Rivulet
Perizoma alchemillata
540 records
131. Scalloped Hook-tip
Falcaria lacertinaria
539 records
132. Wormwood Pug
Eupithecia absinthiata
538 records
133. Old Lady
Mormo maura
533 records
134. Centre-barred Sallow
Atethmia centrago
520 records
135. Dot Moth
Melanchra persicariae
510 records
136. Poplar Grey
Subacronicta megacephala
509 records
137. Brown-tail
Euproctis chrysorrhoea
506 records
138. Rosy Minor
Litoligia literosa
501 records
139. Yellow Belle
Aspitates ochrearia
495 records
140. Sandhill Rustic
Luperina nickerlii demuthi
489 records
141. Small Phoenix
Ecliptopera silaceata
489 records
142. Webb's Wainscot
Globia sparganii
482 records
143. Six-spot Burnet
Zygaena filipendulae
474 records
144. Scorched Carpet
Ligdia adustata
452 records
145. Twin-spotted Wainscot
Lenisa geminipuncta
442 records
146. Grey Dagger
Acronicta psi
435 records
147. Peppered Moth
Biston betularia
425 records
148. Maple Prominent
Ptilodon cucullina
418 records
149. White Satin
Leucoma salicis
412 records
150. Small Blood-vein
Scopula imitaria
408 records
151. Dark Spectacle
Abrostola triplasia
407 records
152. Tawny Shears
Hadena perplexa
402 records
153. Large Emerald
Geometra papilionaria
386 records
154. Mottled Rustic
Caradrina morpheus
378 records
155. Frosted Orange
Gortyna flavago
376 records
156. Shaded Broad-bar
Scotopteryx chenopodiata
374 records
157. Gold Spot
Plusia festucae
373 records
158. Early Thorn
Selenia dentaria
362 records
159. Nut-tree Tussock
Colocasia coryli
361 records
160. Reed Dagger
Simyra albovenosa
358 records
161. Feathered Gothic
Tholera decimalis
352 records
162. Elephant Hawk-moth
Deilephila elpenor
342 records
163. Flame
Axylia putris
338 records
164. Cypress Pug
Eupithecia phoeniceata
316 records
165. Grey Pine Carpet
Thera obeliscata
293 records
166. Mullein Wave
Scopula marginepunctata
290 records
167. Ground Lackey
Malacosoma castrensis
287 records
168. Red Underwing
Catocala nupta
282 records
169. Small Waved Umber
Horisme vitalbata
281 records
170. Pinion-streaked Snout
Schrankia costaestrigalis
278 records
171. Lesser-spotted Pinion
Cosmia affinis
273 records
172. Currant Pug
Eupithecia assimilata
273 records
173. Broad-barred White
Hecatera bicolorata
271 records
174. Brown-veined Wainscot
Archanara dissoluta
269 records
175. Double Square-spot
Xestia triangulum
268 records
176. Brown-line Bright-eye
Mythimna conigera
259 records
177. Maple Pug
Eupithecia inturbata
259 records
178. Engrailed
Ectropis crepuscularia
247 records
179. July Highflyer
Hydriomena furcata
242 records
180. Bulrush Wainscot
Nonagria typhae
218 records
181. Campion
Sideridis rivularis
218 records
182. Mottled Beauty
Alcis repandata
216 records
183. Coast Dart
Euxoa cursoria
208 records
184. Langmaid's Yellow Underwing
Noctua janthina
206 records
185. Beautiful Yellow Underwing
Anarta myrtilli
205 records
186. Heart and Club
Agrotis clavis
203 records
187. Oak Eggar
Lasiocampa quercus
201 records
188. Dwarf Cream Wave
Idaea fuscovenosa
201 records
189. Toadflax Brocade
Calophasia lunula
199 records
190. Silky Wainscot
Chilodes maritima
196 records
191. Vapourer
Orgyia antiqua
190 records
192. Flame Carpet
Xanthorhoe designata
187 records
193. Small Scallop
Idaea emarginata
186 records
194. Bird's Wing
Dypterygia scabriuscula
184 records
195. Tawny Wave
Scopula rubiginata
179 records
196. Dark Spinach
Pelurga comitata
179 records
197. Birch Mocha
Cyclophora albipunctata
177 records
198. Fan-foot
Herminia tarsipennalis
169 records
199. Sharp-angled Carpet
Euphyia unangulata
163 records
200. Bordered Pug
Eupithecia succenturiata
162 records
201. Svensson's Copper Underwing
Amphipyra berbera
160 records
202. Lunar Yellow Underwing
Noctua orbona
160 records
203. Clay Triple-lines
Cyclophora linearia
157 records
204. Barred Red
Hylaea fasciaria
155 records
205. Clouded Magpie
Abraxas sylvata
150 records
206. Bordered Straw
Heliothis peltigera
149 records
207. Scarce Bordered Straw
Helicoverpa armigera
145 records
208. Round-winged Muslin
Thumatha senex
144 records
209. Small Rufous
Coenobia rufa
143 records
210. Purple Thorn
Selenia tetralunaria
140 records
211. Peach Blossom
Thyatira batis
139 records
212. Clouded Silver
Lomographa temerata
138 records
213. Kent Black Arches
Meganola albula
136 records
214. Dingy Shell
Euchoeca nebulata
136 records
215. Common Marbled Carpet
Dysstroma truncata
133 records
216. White-spotted Pug
Eupithecia tripunctaria
131 records
217. Star-wort
Cucullia asteris
128 records
218. Cream-bordered Green Pea
Earias clorana
123 records
219. Bordered Beauty
Epione repandaria
117 records
220. Figure of Eighty
Tethea ocularis
116 records
221. Clouded Buff
Diacrisia sannio
113 records
222. Olive
Ipimorpha subtusa
110 records
223. Rosy Wave
Scopula emutaria
109 records
224. V-Pug
Chloroclystis v-ata
106 records
225. Small Emerald
Hemistola chrysoprasaria
103 records
226. Plain Pug
Eupithecia simpliciata
102 records
227. Pearly Underwing
Peridroma saucia
102 records
228. Chevron
Eulithis testata
100 records
229. Toadflax Pug
Eupithecia linariata
100 records
230. August Thorn
Ennomos quercinaria
99 records
231. Convolvulus Hawk-moth
Agrius convolvuli
99 records
232. Chocolate-tip
Clostera curtula
95 records
233. Leopard Moth
Zeuzera pyrina
95 records
234. Small Mottled Willow
Spodoptera exigua
94 records
235. Marbled Clover
Heliothis viriplaca
93 records
236. Oak Processionary
Thaumetopoea processionea
90 records
237. L-album Wainscot
Mythimna l-album
90 records
238. Buff Arches
Habrosyne pyritoides
88 records
239. Small Angle Shades
Euplexia lucipara
87 records
240. Herald
Scoliopteryx libatrix
83 records
241. Common Pug
Eupithecia vulgata
81 records
242. Garden Dart
Euxoa nigricans
80 records
243. Fenn's Wainscot
Protarchanara brevilinea
75 records
244. Light Arches
Apamea lithoxylaea
73 records
245. Buff-tip
Phalera bucephala
72 records
246. Small Ranunculus
Hecatera dysodea
72 records
247. Dotted Clay
Xestia baja
72 records
248. Common Emerald
Hemithea aestivaria
72 records
249. Short-cloaked Moth
Nola cucullatella
71 records
250. Plain Wave
Idaea straminata
69 records
251. Oak Nycteoline
Nycteola revayana
66 records
252. Feathered Ranunculus
Polymixis lichenea
64 records
253. Middle-barred Minor
Oligia fasciuncula
64 records
254. Poplar Kitten
Furcula bifida
63 records
255. Oblique Striped
Phibalapteryx virgata
62 records
256. Pretty Chalk Carpet
Melanthia procellata
61 records
257. Beautiful Marbled
Eublemma purpurina
60 records
258. Large Twin-spot Carpet
Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata
59 records
259. Slender Pug
Eupithecia tenuiata
59 records
260. White Ermine
Spilosoma lubricipeda
57 records
261. Lunar-spotted Pinion
Cosmia pyralina
56 records
262. Grass Emerald
Pseudoterpna pruinata
54 records
263. Privet Hawk-moth
Sphinx ligustri
53 records
264. Large Wainscot
Rhizedra lutosa
53 records
265. Vestal
Rhodometra sacraria
51 records
266. Dusky Brocade
Apamea remissa
51 records
267. White-mantled Wainscot
Archanara neurica
48 records
268. Clifden Nonpareil
Catocala fraxini
48 records
269. Rest Harrow
Aplasta ononaria
48 records
270. Sandy Carpet
Perizoma flavofasciata
48 records
271. Plumed Fan-foot
Pechipogo plumigeralis
47 records
272. Lackey
Malacosoma neustria
47 records
273. Crescent Striped
Apamea oblonga
46 records
274. Scallop Shell
Rheumaptera undulata
44 records
275. Treble Brown Spot
Idaea trigeminata
41 records
276. Barred Hook-tip
Watsonalla cultraria
40 records
277. Slender Brindle
Apamea scolopacina
39 records
278. Double Lobed
Lateroligia ophiogramma
39 records
279. Miller
Acronicta leporina
38 records
280. Oblique Carpet
Orthonama vittata
37 records
281. Devon Carpet
Lampropteryx otregiata
36 records
282. Waved Black
Parascotia fuliginaria
35 records
283. Delicate
Mythimna vitellina
35 records
284. Large Nutmeg
Apamea anceps
34 records
285. Beautiful Hook-tip
Laspeyria flexula
33 records
286. Mathew's Wainscot
Mythimna favicolor
32 records
287. Rivulet
Perizoma affinitata
32 records
288. Hoary Footman
Eilema caniola
30 records
289. Shears
Hada plebeja
30 records
290. Swallow-tailed Moth
Ourapteryx sambucaria
29 records
291. Shoulder-striped Wainscot
Leucania comma
29 records
292. Striped Wainscot
Mythimna pudorina
29 records
293. Grey Pug
Eupithecia subfuscata
29 records
294. Foxglove Pug
Eupithecia pulchellata
29 records
295. Sycamore
Acronicta aceris
28 records
296. Eyed Hawk-moth
Smerinthus ocellata
27 records
297. Dewick's Plusia
Macdunnoughia confusa
27 records
298. Four-spotted Footman
Lithosia quadra
27 records
299. Mere Wainscot
Photedes fluxa
26 records
300. Great Brocade
Eurois occulta
26 records
301. Gem
Nycterosea obstipata
26 records
302. Spruce Carpet
Thera britannica
26 records
303. Dark Crimson Underwing
Catocala sponsa
25 records
304. Bedstraw Hawk-moth
Hyles gallii
24 records
305. Red-green Carpet
Chloroclysta siterata
24 records
306. Suspected
Parastichtis suspecta
23 records
307. Dark Umber
Philereme transversata
23 records
308. Dotted Footman
Pelosia muscerda
22 records
309. Golden-rod Pug
Eupithecia virgaureata
22 records
310. Dotted Fan-foot
Macrochilo cribrumalis
22 records
311. Angle-barred Pug
Eupithecia innotata
22 records
312. Silver-ground Carpet
Xanthorhoe montanata
21 records
313. Scarce Silver-lines
Bena bicolorana
21 records
314. Triple-spotted Pug
Eupithecia trisignaria
21 records
315. Ghost Moth
Hepialus humuli
21 records
316. Green Pug
Pasiphila rectangulata
21 records
317. Poplar Lutestring
Tethea or
20 records
318. Lesser Cream Wave
Scopula immutata
19 records
319. Heath Rustic
Xestia agathina
19 records
320. Six-belted Clearwing
Bembecia ichneumoniformis
18 records
321. Cinnabar
Tyria jacobaeae
18 records
322. Large Thorn
Ennomos autumnaria
17 records
323. Small White Wave
Asthena albulata
17 records
324. Small Fan-foot
Herminia grisealis
17 records
325. Shore Wainscot
Mythimna litoralis
17 records
326. Small Elephant Hawk-moth
Deilephila porcellus
16 records
327. Yarrow Pug
Eupithecia millefoliata
16 records
328. Bordered Sallow
Pyrrhia umbra
16 records
329. Green Silver-lines
Pseudoips prasinana
15 records
330. Yellow-legged Clearwing
Synanthedon vespiformis
15 records
331. Orange Sallow
Tiliacea citrago
15 records
332. Shaded Fan-foot
Herminia tarsicrinalis
14 records
333. Small Seraphim
Pterapherapteryx sexalata
14 records
334. Brown Rustic
Rusina ferruginea
14 records
335. Common Heath
Ematurga atomaria
14 records
336. Lime Hawk-moth
Mimas tiliae
13 records
337. Phoenix
Eulithis prunata
13 records
338. White-spotted Pinion
Cosmia diffinis
13 records
339. Dingy Shears
Fissipunctia ypsillon
13 records
340. Raspberry Clearwing
Pennisetia hylaeiformis
13 records
341. Haworth's Pug
Eupithecia haworthiata
13 records
342. Wormwood
Cucullia absinthii
12 records
343. Brown Silver-line
Petrophora chlorosata
12 records
344. Buttoned Snout
Hypena rostralis
12 records
345. September Thorn
Ennomos erosaria
12 records
346. Pale Eggar
Trichiura crataegi
11 records
347. Marbled Minor
Oligia strigilis
11 records
348. Black Rustic
Aporophyla nigra
10 records
349. Mocha
Cyclophora annularia
10 records
350. Sallow
Cirrhia icteritia
10 records
351. Ni Moth
Trichoplusia ni
10 records
352. Small Yellow Wave
Hydrelia flammeolaria
10 records
353. Butterbur
Hydraecia petasitis
10 records
354. Anomalous
Stilbia anomala
10 records
355. Fern
Horisme tersata
9 records
356. Broom Moth
Ceramica pisi
9 records
357. Twin-spot Carpet
Mesotype didymata
9 records
358. Beautiful Golden Y
Autographa pulchrina
9 records
359. Gothic
Naenia typica
9 records
360. Porter's Rustic
Athetis hospes
8 records
361. Purple Clay
Diarsia brunnea
8 records
362. Brown-spot Pinion
Anchoscelis litura
8 records
363. Oak Lutestring
Cymatophorina diluta
8 records
364. Tawny Marbled Minor
Oligia latruncula
8 records
365. Clancy's Rustic
Caradrina kadenii
8 records
366. Gold Swift
Phymatopus hecta
8 records
367. Waved Umber
Menophra abruptaria
8 records
368. Barred Rivulet
Perizoma bifaciata
8 records
369. Cypress Carpet
Thera cupressata
8 records
370. Red-belted Clearwing
Synanthedon myopaeformis
7 records
371. Ingrailed Clay
Diarsia mendica
7 records
372. Scarce Silver Y
Syngrapha interrogationis
7 records
373. Minor Shoulder-knot
Brachylomia viminalis
7 records
374. Lilac Beauty
Apeira syringaria
7 records
375. Golden Twin-spot
Chrysodeixis chalcites
7 records
376. Varied Coronet
Hadena compta
7 records
377. Lesser Common Rustic
Mesapamea didyma
7 records
378. Festoon
Apoda limacodes
7 records
379. Grey Arches
Polia nebulosa
6 records
380. Blue-bordered Carpet
Plemyria rubiginata
6 records
381. Orange Footman
Eilema sororcula
6 records
382. Streak
Chesias legatella
6 records
383. Small Dotted Buff
Photedes minima
6 records
384. Cream Wave
Scopula floslactata
6 records
385. Chestnut
Conistra vaccinii
6 records
386. Marbled White Spot
Protodeltote pygarga
6 records
387. Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth
Hemaris fuciformis
6 records
388. Shark
Cucullia umbratica
6 records
389. Dwarf Pug
Eupithecia tantillaria
5 records
390. Broom-tip
Chesias rufata
5 records
391. Pink-barred Sallow
Xanthia togata
5 records
392. Plain Golden Y
Autographa jota
5 records
393. Four-spotted
Tyta luctuosa
5 records
394. Spurge Hawk-moth
Hyles euphorbiae
5 records
395. Silver Hook
Deltote uncula
5 records
396. Bordered White
Bupalus piniaria
5 records
397. Burnet Companion
Euclidia glyphica
5 records
398. Triple-spotted Clay
Xestia ditrapezium
5 records
399. Pigmy Footman
Eilema pygmaeola
4 records
400. Spinach
Eulithis mellinata
4 records
401. Large Ranunculus
Polymixis flavicincta
4 records
402. Lyme Grass
Longalatedes elymi
4 records
403. Little Emerald
Jodis lactearia
4 records
404. Feathered Brindle
Aporophyla australis
4 records
405. Dark Brocade
Mniotype adusta
4 records
406. Brindled Green
Dryobotodes eremita
4 records
407. Pale-shouldered Brocade
Lacanobia thalassina
4 records
408. Bloxworth Snout
Hypena obsitalis
4 records
409. Hornet Moth
Sesia apiformis
4 records
410. Muslin Footman
Nudaria mundana
4 records
411. Satellite
Eupsilia transversa
4 records
412. Dusky Hook-tip
Drepana curvatula
3 records
413. Scalloped Hazel
Odontopera bidentata
3 records
414. Three-humped Prominent
Notodonta tritophus
3 records
415. Scarce Chocolate-tip
Clostera anachoreta
3 records
416. Common Lutestring
Ochropacha duplaris
3 records
417. Royal Mantle
Catarhoe cuculata
3 records
418. Barred Sallow
Tiliacea aurago
3 records
419. Juniper Pug
Eupithecia pusillata
3 records
420. Balsam Carpet
Xanthorhoe biriviata
3 records
421. Four-dotted Footman
Cybosia mesomella
3 records
422. Lunar Underwing
Anchoscelis lunosa
3 records
423. Pale Pinion
Lithophane socia
3 records
424. Least Black Arches
Nola confusalis
2 records
425. Stout Dart
Spaelotis ravida
2 records
426. White Colon
Sideridis turbida
2 records
427. Barred Straw
Gandaritis pyraliata
2 records
428. Barred Umber
Plagodis pulveraria
2 records
429. Small Marbled
Eublemma parva
2 records
430. Pale Oak Beauty
Hypomecis punctinalis
2 records
431. Red-tipped Clearwing
Synanthedon formicaeformis
2 records
432. Barred Chestnut
Diarsia dahlii
2 records
433. Cosmopolitan
Leucania loreyi
2 records
434. Wood Carpet
Epirrhoe rivata
2 records
435. Channel Islands Pug
Eupithecia ultimaria
2 records
436. Treble Lines
Charanyca trigrammica
2 records
437. Goat Moth
Cossus cossus
2 records
438. Striped Hawk-moth
Hyles livornica
2 records
439. Speckled Footman
Coscinia cribraria
2 records
440. Yellow-line Quaker
Leptologia macilenta
2 records
441. Barred Yellow
Cidaria fulvata
2 records
442. Small Clouded Brindle
Apamea unanimis
2 records
443. Obscure Wainscot
Leucania obsoleta
2 records
444. Mottled Pug
Eupithecia exiguata
2 records
445. Rufous Minor
Oligia versicolor
2 records
446. Dark Dagger
Acronicta tridens
2 records
447. Dark Marbled Carpet
Dysstroma citrata
2 records
448. Broken-barred Carpet
Electrophaes corylata
2 records
449. Scarce Tissue
Rheumaptera cervinalis
2 records
450. Clouded Brindle
Apamea epomidion
2 records
451. Sand Dart
Agrotis ripae
2 records
452. Autumnal Rustic
Eugnorisma glareosa
2 records
453. Angle-striped Sallow
Enargia paleacea
2 records
454. Feathered Thorn
Colotois pennaria
1 record
455. Lempke's Gold Spot
Plusia putnami
1 record
456. Dotted Rustic
Rhyacia simulans
1 record
457. Blair's Mocha
Cyclophora puppillaria
1 record
458. Golden-rod Brindle
Xylena solidaginis
1 record
459. Grey Carpet
Lithostege griseata
1 record
460. Israeli Tiger
Olepa schleini
1 record
461. Northern Rustic
Standfussiana lucernea
1 record
462. Grey Chi
Antitype chi
1 record
463. Galium Carpet
Epirrhoe galiata
1 record
464. Rustic Shoulder-knot
Apamea sordens
1 record
465. Larch Pug
Eupithecia lariciata
1 record
466. Forester
Adscita statices
1 record
467. Pine Processionary
Thaumetopoea pityocampa
1 record
468. Neglected Rustic
Xestia castanea
1 record
469. Deep-brown Dart
Aporophyla lueneburgensis
1 record
470. Flounced Chestnut
Anchoscelis helvola
1 record
471. V-Moth
Macaria wauaria
1 record
472. Pale Shoulder
Acontia lucida
1 record
473. White-pinion Spotted
Lomographa bimaculata
1 record
474. Portland Moth
Actebia praecox
1 record
475. Lace Border
Scopula ornata
1 record
476. Portland Ribbon Wave
Idaea degeneraria
1 record
477. Orache Moth
Trachea atriplicis
1 record
478. Large Ear
Amphipoea lucens
1 record
479. Spotted Sulphur
Acontia trabealis
1 record
480. Blackneck
Lygephila pastinum
1 record
481. White-line Snout
Schrankia taenialis
1 record
482. Small Dotted Footman
Pelosia obtusa
1 record
483. Red-line Quaker
Leptologia lota
1 record
484. Dentated Pug
Anticollix sparsata
1 record
485. Lunar Thorn
Selenia lunularia
1 record
486. Silver Barred
Deltote bankiana
1 record
487. Death's-head Hawk-moth
Acherontia atropos
1 record
488. Lobster Moth
Stauropus fagi
1 record
489. Purple Cloud
Actinotia polyodon
1 record
490. Lunar Hornet Moth
Sesia bembeciformis
1 record
491. Green-brindled Crescent
Allophyes oxyacanthae
1 record
492. Brick
Sunira circellaris
1 record
493. Marbled Grey
Bryophila raptricula
1 record
494. Red Sword-grass
Xylena vetusta
1 record
495. White-banded Carpet
Spargania luctuata
1 record
496. Dark Tussock
Dicallomera fascelina
1 record
497. Double Dart
Graphiphora augur
1 record
498. Blotched Emerald
Comibaena bajularia
1 record
499. Beautiful Carpet
Mesoleuca albicillata
1 record
500. Barberry Carpet
Pareulype berberata
1 record
Underlying maps using Digital Map Data © Norfolk Online Lepidoptera Archive - NOLA™ - Suffolk 2025. © James Wheeler - Norfolk Moths 2007 - 2025. Data © NOLA™ - Suffolk 2025
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Underlying maps using Digital Map Data © Norfolk Online Lepidoptera Archive - NOLA™ - Suffolk 2025. © James Wheeler - Norfolk Moths 2007 - 2025. Data © NOLA™ - Suffolk 2025
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